miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2021


I am paper that got wet

My body brittle and tender

My soul sore.

I damn well know I shouldn't be doing this

Yet here I am doing it anyway.

I miss the person I thought I was.

I am a Panda bound toward extinction and I need saving.

I am rare and unique in my own voice.

I haven't found myself.

I need you to understand me so that you can explain me. 

I need your love and compassion. 

I need you to hug me through the night. 

I will give you a kiss and everything I am

Though I don't know if that is anything at all. 

viernes, 26 de marzo de 2021

Soft cookie

I thought he was just too green. But he is really so vanilla.

It is nice for a while, but then it tends to boredom. Or maybe I am a freak. A pornstar wanna be.

I wanted him to lick my ears, my neck, give me the chills. I wanted to implode into myself and then explode out of this world.

He shall be my dirty gentleman. He'd pull me towards him, invade my space with his smell. Pull my hair as I stroked his. 

He would give me a quick kiss on my lips instead, like we were fucking fourteen. And he may be at heart. But I am too old for that. 

miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2021

Have you seen it?

 Is it dark here? Or is it just me?

I can't shut up just yet

But I am so tired.

I wish I could afford my time.

Lost my life and can't find it back. 

martes, 16 de marzo de 2021

Makeup minutes

I earned my right to paint my smile

Because if I didn't, I would not have a smile at all. 

domingo, 7 de marzo de 2021


And when I try to listen to my own voice I have to be very quiet

But it's sometimes scary 

To meet my broken self

And see the red live wounds that just won't heal

It is scary to face myself 

And knowing that I'd never make it on my own through the thin curtain of acid rain 

I tend to call 'My Everyday'.