martes, 26 de abril de 2022


May you remember me when I am gone

may you miss my baking and my cooking,

may you remember me through common flavors 

and try to find me in your own cooking, your own baking.

May you pass my love on to your loved ones through those flavors.

May you miss speaking English with me 

and whenever you have no one around to converse with,

may you miss my presence and those times of nonstop chatter

about nothing and everything, and may you then be certain 

of how much I loved you and how precious you always were to me.

May we always be together.

May I have a life beyond my life to love you and to protect you.

May you be the happiest daughter as you have made me the happiest mother.

jueves, 21 de abril de 2022


Listen to Birds.m4a by Raine (Johana Denisse) on 

Listen to Birds.m4a by Raine (Johana Denisse) on #SoundCloud

Birds are chirping outside. I hear them sometimes from my desk, but here they're louder.

Sometimes I want to scream like one of them. I regret not having wings and not being able to fly. 

All the wild bue yonder would be mine. No more bank accounts needed. No appraisals from work.

There is so much to say, yet we remain quiet. 

I wish I could raise my voice like a bird

and everyday enjoy the sunshine.