jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2024

Border girl

 I've always thought of myself as a Tex-Mex border girl, though I am really not.

I am an echo from voices of the past. 

Grandma's mom was from Villa Ahumada and grandma lived in El Paso. 

I am the niece of my Tía Lilia, who lived on and off between El Paso and Chihuahua. 

I am the neighbor of the Chaviras, who owned acres of Walnut and lots of honey bees. 

Its is none of their fault that I feel foreign in my own home.

I am a chimera made with pieces from here, there, and nowhere near myself where would you find me. 

I am lost by the border. A little bit south from it. 

And is my sun still shining on the dessert? My heart belongs in the town by the dunes.