martes, 22 de marzo de 2022


Listen to Robot.m4a by Raine (Johana Denisse) on #SoundCloud

El sitio de Internet me preguntó si soy un robot.

Por como me tratan en el trabajo, ya me hicieron dudar. Tal vez sí soy un robot.

Y mis sueños en realidad no lo son; sólo son el desempeño esperado por alguien que me programó en C#.

Mi interfaz está un poco dañada debido al pobre mantenimiento. Pero mientras yo siga realizando mi función principal, a nadie le importa.

El café se ha vuelto un vicio.

Las pantallas, una necesidad. Funciono a base de energía eléctrica y Wi-Fi.

Cada mañana abro mis ojos y hay cosas que tengo que hacer. ¿Por qué no puedo elegir mi día? 

A veces estornudo y se sorprenden. Y yo necesito tomar unos minutos. ¿Es fraude estornudar en horas de trabajo?

Califique usted del 1 al 5, donde 1 es deficiente y 5 excelente, el servicio que le he brindado hoy. 

En fin... El deber me llama. Un robot debe cumplir las órdenes dadas por seres humanos. 

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2022


Listen to Places.m4a by Raine (Johana Denisse) on #SoundCloud

There are places I want to go

I just don't know how to get myself there yet.

I haven't found the right opportunity

But I'll keep looking.

I am hoping for a second home

A place of growth and challenge, where I can be human. 

I want to be me. 

We all need some acceptance sometimes.

When you come from a difficult background, sometimes it is difficult to believe that you deserve better. But you deserve better. I deserve better.

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2022


Steal my smile

Be my saddle to ride 

Make my life livable 

Stroke my thighs

Nuzzle my hair

Keep me up all night

Breathe into my ear

Drive me "crazy good"

Let me lose myself in your eyes

Raise my heart rate and lower my panties

and pull yourself close to me

ever closer under the covers

Say my name

Call it out loud

Love me and forget me

Give me what I want

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2022


The Rolling Stones said "She's a rainbow"

The Arctic Monkeys said "Crying Lightning"

I personally don't think she's either. 

To me, she's a raincloud most of the time

all beautiful and smelling like petrichor, 

all gray and complicated 

and making things better only when she wants

because she can.

So perhaps she is the rainbow and the lighting

and the cloud and everything in between

but I am just tired of getting wet 

and I don't know how to bring the sunshine 

and get her to enjoy a sunny day

because I love swimming pools 

and she has a hot bikini body

but still prefers the raincloud and she hates the beach

and I would like to tell her "Brace yourself

because life is going to hit you hard" -yes, even harder-

and I am going to be there for you

but I don't know if you'll want me

because I was so stupid some time ago

because I didn't do things your way

because I respond to your apathy in a way that you find abusive

and I don´t want to abuse you but I just can't wait

forever for you to do your chores while you're out 

with your friends and you think everything else is more important

and you're taking me for granted but then I get mad 

and can't help but become a bitch 

and then you get mad because I am a bitch -which I know I am and I am sorry-

but I wasn't like that when I told you first and you're just testing my limits.

She's a raincloud and I can't be the eternal umbrella.

And I know she'll say she doesn't need an umbrella but at the end of the day

this is her home. For now.

Maybe later, when she can afford her own, she'll go away.

And that is not because I want her to go, but it is her who says she can not stand me.

I don't know. I just ask her to make lunch and wash the dishes once a week.

And to smile once in a while. 

I don't know.

How does one love a raincloud?