jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2022


 I need to talk. Yet, I don't feel like talking.

I is such a big word now. Filling up a large part of the paper. And I need it small. I need this I to become small.

I need to go now where I've been planning to go. See new sights.

And it's best to think about which skirt goes with which blouse and which shoes. And become oblivious to the things in life that give me stress. Get my hair and nails done.

Put beauty before my eyes. Feel what I want to feel.

I need to talk. But I don't want to bother you with my low mood. So I am just writing here; am staying here for a while, acknowledging this deprived feeling. I'll try and rest later.

And then I may be able to talk to you tomorrow. 

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